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Summer (2) 2024

w/c 17th June 2024


Dear parents/carers of Year 4 children,


This half term, we are reading How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell as our class reader (adults read the book to the children, and we also do some of our guided reading sessions on extracts from the book). We will shortly be starting our final English writing unit of the year, inspired by this book.


We would like to show the How To Train Your Dragon film to the children at the end of term (during week commencing  15th July), once they have finished their writing to see how the ideas they have imagined whilst listening have transferred to film.


The BBFC has classified How To Train Your Dragon as a PG, since it contains frequent mild threat and therefore, we are asking for your permission to show it to your children.


The classification is based on the following criteria:

Violence: There is some mild violence, such as a dragon eating another and humans attempting to hit dragons with weapons.

Threat and horror: Scenes of threat involve Viking characters fighting against or fleeing from dragons, as well as dragon characters fighting each other. Some of the larger, fiercer dragon characters could frighten some viewers.

Language: There is infrequent use of very mild bad language, including 'butts' and 'screwed up'.

Based on this information, please would you complete the permission form attached with your response by Friday 5th July.


If there are any 'no' responses, we will not show the film. We will only show the film if there is unanimous agreement.


Please complete the below consent form: 


If we do show the film and a child becomes distressed, we will remove them for a while.


Kind regards

Mrs Fraser

Mrs Ould-Ameur

Year 4 class teachers

w/c 3rd June 2024



Please see the below letter regarding what your child be taught in this half term's RSE lessons.

