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Enrichment fund and how to contribute.

The Enrichment Fund:

Enhancing our school to ensure all children can achieve their best


What is the Enrichment Fund?

Reigate Parish is a Church of England Voluntary Aided School. This gives us freedoms many other schools do not enjoy, such as our specific Christian approach to education.


However, it also gives us additional responsibilities for which the School’s Governors have to find funds. For example, upgrading ICT equipment or renovating parts of the school and our outside space.


Whilst the majority of our funding comes from Government, it is not enough to allow us to buy the extras that make a real difference to the School and for our children.


We are almost entirely reliant on parents and carers to support the financing of these projects through voluntary contributions to the Enrichment Fund. This money is held and managed by the Governing Body and has charitable status (allowing us to reclaim gift aid).


What is the difference between the Enrichment Fund and the PTA?

The PTA and Enrichment Fund both work towards achieving the same objective – advancing the education and experience of children in our school.


However, the Enrichment Fund is independent of the PTA funds and its activities.


The PTA provides events to enhance the school community, fundraise and facilitate parent participation within the school, whereas the Enrichment Fund is reliant on donations.


Why should I donate to the Enrichment Fund? What is the fund for?

The Enrichment Fund is used to fund three key areas:

  • Delivering substantial enhancements to the School’s technology provision, including new computers and the supporting infrastructure.
  • Contributions towards important building and maintenance works for the School. To access funds from Southwark Diocese Board of Education we need to contribute part of the funding. For example, in recent years we’ve been able to fund an £80,000 refurbishment of the infant block. This wouldn't have been possible without the contribution of the governors' fund.
  • Professional development, training and awards for the leadership and teaching staff at the School, one of the strengths called out in the recent Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ report.


Priority spending for 2021-25 includes the roll-out of new Chromebook computers so that every child in the school will have access to a device whenever they need it.


We can’t provide these important school enhancements without your support.


How much should I donate?

Donating is entirely voluntary. However, the more families that contribute the more we can do to support the school’s enhancement plans.


We ask you to consider making a contribution of £120 per child per year to the Enrichment Fund.


We know that some parents want to contribute much more and we also know that for some parents, this is too much – so please only give whatever you can afford.


If every family contributed the recommended amount, we could raise nearly £38,000 per year plus 25% gift aid – and this all goes towards your children and their learning.


All donations are treated confidentially – only the Treasurer is aware of donor details.


How do I donate?

If you can, we encourage you to set up a regular monthly donation to the Enrichment Fund. This spreads the cost for you and helps us to understand our future income and plan major investments.


However, please choose the payment method that works best for you:



How can I donate tax efficiently?

If you are a UK taxpayer you can make your donation go 25% further through Gift Aid at no extra cost to you. That means for every £90 donation, we can claim an extra £22.50. Just complete a quick online Gift Aid declaration at 


Remember, if you are a higher-rate taxpayer, you can claim tax relief on charitable donations – donating £10 therefore only costs you £6. You may also be able to donate pre-tax using payroll giving schemes or through salary or bonus sacrifice.


For larger one-off donations there may be alternative tax-efficient solutions to consider, and in that regard please do feel free to contact the Treasurer if you would like to confidentially discuss this.


How can I find out more?

If you would like to discuss the Enrichment fund, future enhancement projects, or how to pay, please contact the Treasurer by email at


Thank you for supporting our school to help every child reach to achieve their best.

