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Spring term (1) 2025

wc 3rd February 2025







Dear Parent/Guardian,


On Thursday 13th February, we are extremely fortunate to be welcoming a Commonwealth Gymnast, Courtney Orange to Reigate Parish.


On the day of the event, all pupils will take part in a sponsored fitness circuit run by Courtney Orange – a fantastic way to get all children excited about sport and taking part in some fun activities. Courtney will then share his incredible sporting journey, during a fun and interactive assembly to the whole school. There will also be an opportunity to ask Courtney any burning questions in a Q&A session at the end.


The aim of this visit is to help the school raise money for new sports equipment and inspire the children to be more active and follow their dreams. All children should have now brought home a leaflet which provides more information. On the back of the leaflet is a QR code that will take you to a specific fundraising page for Reigate Parish, through which you can your sponsor your child to take part in the fitness circuit. Any donations are welcome; however, all children will be taking part in the event regardless of donation. Any and all donations are to be made online using the QR code. The deadline for donations to be made is Thursday 20th February.


We are really looking forward to this incredible opportunity to welcome such an inspirational athlete to our school!


Yours sincerely,

Miss Rossi.


PE Lead & Caterpillars teacher

wc 6th January 2025




Please refer to the below letter from Mrs Davis regarding the high expectations of our pupils behaviour.
