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The crosses project

The Crosses Project, part 3

Here are the crosses erected around school and some quotes from staff and children on how much they are appreciating them.


    In the infant block - In KS1 library       In KS1 - door to courtyard                             In KS1 hall



Located near the keypad in the school foyer, used when people exit school.




In the junior block

Opposite the main entrance door, facing into our woodland area



In the school’s wooded area which is at the front of school and it is part of the current spiritual garden.



                       Outside in the playground                                                In the Junior staircase



                                                                                                                      In the junior hall

                                                                                                 Every child has their name on a peg doll and                          In the Junior staircase                                          there are two blank dolls for new children





Comments from staff and children on the crosses


At lunchtime this week lots of children have commented on the cross on the muga. Saying, ‘this is clever’, how did they do it?’ ‘It’s so colourful!’, ‘I love the feel of it!’. We all think this cross is a lovely new addition - it looks great! 


Site / office

I think these are incredible, beautifully made with such imagination and really show that God is at the heart of Parish.



I love the crosses. I take a child up to see the cross on the MUGA every lunch time. It has become a part of our lunch time routine which I try and vary as much as I can to keep him stimulated. He loves the sensory aspect of the cross and likes to spend time touching and moving the small balls. He also loves to take time to look and feel the colourful cross near the school office before we collect his daily fruit. 


I think they are a beautiful addition to the school environment. 



The crosses are so striking and show some really high quality craftsmanship. They're a fabulous addition to the school environment.



I like the rainbow and the one with animals because I really like animals

I like the one with beads the best

I like the one with animals on

They're very colourful and nice

They have all the colours of the rainbow which is really happy and makes me smile



I'd like to mention how the beautiful crosses have been noticed by another child. 

She particularly seems drawn to the one with the class animals in the junior building. 

She in fact points it out every time we pass.

Her favourite is the cute turtle.

I think they are a wonderful addition to the school myself too.
