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The school meals provider



We have an on-site kitchen run by a company called Twelve15 that cooks fresh lunches every day.


  • Food is free for children from Reception to Year 2.
  • For children in years 3 - 6 the cost of a meal is £2.80 per day (as of Sep 24). 


In agreement with our caterers, Twelve15, the school menu has been adapted to suit the children of Reigate Parish School. Variations may take place due to difficulties in the supply chain but our chef always produces a healthy meal for our pupils to enjoy. There is always a vegetarian alternative and all allergies are accommodated.

Please click here if you would like more information about Twelve15, the caterers who provide our school dinners and the menu's they provide.


School dinners are to be paid for in advance via Arbor.  We will advise before the start of each half term the cost for that half term’s meals.  How frequently you top up your account, and the amount that you top up with at a time, is up to you but we ask that each child’s Arbor Meal account is always kept in credit.  


If your account goes in debt, and this amount is not cleared on a timely basis, you will need to give your child a home prepared packed lunch until the debt is cleared. If you find yourself in financial hardship and would like to discuss a payment plan to clear any debt, please contact the school office. 
