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SATs or Standard Assessment Tests are used to evaluate your child’s educational progress at the end of year 6. They make comparisons to national between children against the average attainment expectations for their respective age group.


Key Stage 1 (KS1) SATs take place at the end of the infants stage in the May of year 2. The assessments are carried out by the child’s teacher and evaluate ability in reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, maths (number, shape, space and measurement) and science. The teacher will set short pieces of work in English and Maths to support the evaluation process.

Key Stage 2 SATs are a formal assessment process and take place in the May of year 6. The tests cover the three core subjects, Reading, SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and Maths. Writing and Science are teacher assessment.  The three types of test papers are sent away to be marked externally with results being available before your child leaves primary school in July.


Key Stage 2 SAT results 2023 - school and national (school data is in bold, national data is not)

EXP+ in reading 

EXP+ in writing 

EXP+ in maths 

EXP+ in GPS 

EXP in science 

EXP+ in reading, writing and maths 














Average scaled scores

Reading (109)

Writing (103)

Maths (107)


Progress scores 

Reading  +1.04

Writing  -0.66

Maths -0.14


Key Stage 2 SAT results 2016 - 2022

Since 2016 Reigate Parish Church Primary School has grown from an infant school into a primary school.  Academic year 2019/2020 was the first year we had a year 6 and full compliment of pupils from Reception through to Year 6. 


Academic year 2019/2020 would have been the first set of KS2 SATs results the school would ever have had.  However due to Covid19 and the Government closing schools and SATS being cancelled, there are no results for academic year 2019/2020 or academic year 2020/2021.


After two years of Covid-19 during which time pupils experienced significant disruption to their learning, the government announced that schools will not be required to publish data on their test or assessment results at KS2 from the 2021-22 academic year, as these will not be published as performance measures by the secretary of state.

If you are interested in viewing the Governments school performance tables please click here

The DfE will publish primary assessment data at school level on the performance measures website for academic year 2023-24 in December 2024. They will accessible using the above link.
