Ensuring the School’s Website shows the School’s Anglican Christian Distinctiveness
Ensuring the School’s Website shows the School’s Anglican Christian Distinctiveness
The school’s website is factual and has the statutory details needed. It has lots of information about school that parents and prospective parents need. Recently we have added the “staff portal” so that it is the one-stop shop for staff to read all the documents and policies. This central location means staff know exactly where to go to find a policy.
It does hold information about us being a voluntary aided school. However the faith team this academic year (2022-2023) want to make the website more overtly distinctive so that anyone visiting would know straight away that Reigate Parish is proud to be an Anglican school.
We are at the start of this project.
Now that the crosses project is underway with the Crosses Team, the faith team can focus on the website to ensure is shines bright that we are a Christian school.