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Helping in School

The school is incredibly grateful to volunteers who come in and help, e.g. with reading, helping with trips or with crafts weeks etc. We are committed to safeguarding and need to ensure everyone who volunteers is checked by the Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS). This helps ensure unsuitable people are prevented from working with children. 


If you do not have a RPCPS DBS you will not be allowed into school to help. Even if you have a DBS through another organisation, you still need to apply for a DBS specifically for RPCPS. 


The only exception to this is volunteers who have a DBS on the DBS Update Service which meets the required criteria.  More information regarding this can be found in the 'volunteer letter' below.


Please follow the instructions in the below 'Volunteer letter'  to apply for a RPCPS DBS

Please note that once you have submitted your on-line application form you must bring your 3 forms of ID into the school office for verification. Your application cannot not processed until this has been completed.

It is vital parents/carers have read and understood the RPCPS Safeguarding Leaflet.

The Safeguarding and Whistle Blowing Polices refered to in the leaflet, can both be found on the website via the link below

Once parents/carers have read the RPCPS Safeguarding Leaflet, they need to complete the Childcare Disqualification & Safeguarding Form below to confirm this leaflet has been read. This has to be completed before parents/carers are able to help in school.   This will need to be done annually.


Please click here to complete the online Childcare Disqualification and Safeguarding Form 2024-25.

Once the DBS has been received, parents/carers should liaise directly with the class teacher to arrange a suitable time to come in and help.
