School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference.
- Acceptable Use policy & ICT code of conduct
- Accessibility plan
- Anti-Bullying policy
- Appropriate policy
- Attendance policy
- Behaviour policy
- Charging and Remissions policy
- Complaints policy (RPCPS & SCC)
- Complaints - Managing serial and unreasonable complaints
- Collective worship policy
- Data protection policy
- Data retention policy
- Early Years Policy
- Equal opportunities policy
- Equality information and objectives policy
- Food requirements and dietary needs policy
- Freedom of information for school publication scheme
- Health & Safety policy
- Homework policy Year R to Year 6
- Inclusion Policy
- Mobile phone policy.pdf
- On-line safety policy
- Preventing Extremism Radicalisation policy
- Privacy notice - Governors
- Privacy notice - Pupils and parents
- RE policy
- Remote learning policy
- RSHE Church of England charter
- RSHE FAQs for parents and carers SDBE
- RSHE Primary schools guide for parents from DfE
- RSHE policy
- Safeguarding statement in school
- Safeguarding & Child Protection
- Separated parents guidance
- SEND policy
- School travel plan
- Social Media Policy
- Subject Access Request form
- Subject Access Request Flowchart - handling subject access requests
- Walking to school policy
- Whistleblowing policy